
petak, 11.04.2008.


Samo jednom zemlja pada na sanduk izmjeren na centimetar za pojedinca. Zvuk vjekovima odjekuje, ne postoji taj auditivni kaos koji ga može odagnati. Tko si nakon prve bačene grude ilovače? Papir, cigla, željezo? Ebanovina ili molekula ugljika? Visoko plovi oblak žednih. Spomeni se da samo jednom zemlja pada na sanduk. Put je varijacija na temu slučajnosti i sreće, ali nakon prijeđene crte glad gradi propast površnosti. Tok sjećanja nepredvidivo putuje prema završnom zbroju i sumi računa kojeg vrijeme kontrolira. Ostaj mi pozdravljena, sudbino. Postojiš u mjeri izolacije svjesnosti, navike i morala. Postojiš u obliku cigle i papira.

11.04.2008. u 23:59 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 10.04.2008.

Deafening Silence

Intensive music, strong movie...

...for my beloved solitude of the moment.

10.04.2008. u 10:49 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 08.04.2008.

Vrisak Za Kraj Balade

Kad ti vrag okrene leđa, odeš u smjeru lanterne trenutka.
Četiri minute nakon toga osjetiš nož u leđima.
Kad bi uspomenu zadovoljio na božanstveni način,
vjetar bi ponovo puhnuo i podigao prašinu.
Zato pazi, idiote, da ne ideš malen ispod zvijezda.
Naivnost je nusproizvod dobrote koja se razvija
intelektom vlastitih predaka nižeg i višeg koljena
i upravo iz toga razloga nećeš biti veći od onih
koji nisu upjeli ići veliki.
Već je kasno za sitne groteskne laži i
održavanje roka trajanja na životu.
Niste uspjeli, a i kasno je.
Nema svrhe uzdati se u Mjesec, točeno, sutra...
To znaš al ne budeš.

08.04.2008. u 10:12 • 3 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 03.04.2008.

Welcome Walker

-------I Want You For My Meal--------

03.04.2008. u 22:14 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 01.04.2008.

The Drapery Falls

Please remedy my confusion
And thrust me back to the day
The silence of your seclusion
Brings night into all you say

Pull me down again
And guide me into pain

I’m counting nocturnal hours
Drowned visions in haunted sleep
Faint flickering of your powers
Leaks out to show what you keep

Pull me down again
And guide me into...

There is failure inside
This test I can’t persist
Kept back by the enigma
No criterias demanded here
Deadly patterns made my wreath
Prosperous in your ways
Pale ghost in the corner
Pouring a caress on your shoulder

Puzzled by shrewd innocence
Runs a thick tide beneath
Ushered into inner graves
Nails bleeding from the struggle
It is the end for the weak at heart
Always the same
A lullaby for the ones who’ve lost all
Reeling inside
My gleaming eye in your necklace reflects
Stare of primal regrets
You turn your back and you walk away
Never again

Spiralling to the ground below
Like Autumn leaves left in the wake to fade away
Waking up to your sound again
And lapse into the ways of misery

01.04.2008. u 15:10 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 30.03.2008.

Raven Tasted My Heart

No need for murder, no need for death-
I comfort myself with a fact you still give me strenght.
Dreadful night, walking alone again,
Trying to figure out why our love never got in first plan.

Failure hurts the most but I cannot forget
Your body, the most beautiful eyes, a gift to be moderate.
I'm so confused. What to do?
Will you be mad if I pick the phone and talk to you?

I wish there's still a chance,
That you still feel something.
Midnight here never ends,
Like a soldier morbid.

Stars shinning bright,
But without their beauty.
Oh, I wish there's still a chance
To be...

There is no help for me
For you're raven that tasted my heart;
Come back to me.

Now I feel eternized fresh sorrow,
First betrayal to batter my heart.
I'm vampire cathedral, like heavy shower
I feel my instinct tearing me apart.

Roses to rotten, end of beautiful dream,
Now I dedicate my time to wine.
Happiness fake behind your mask divine,
Failure of years I've spent with you.
I want you're mine...

Nothing but strings of sadness,
Revelation, new age of madness.
Without wind now I'm cruising on
To ascend the inside morning throne.

I wish there's still a chance,
That you still feel something.
Midnight here never ends,
Like a soldier morbid.

Stars shinning bright,
But without their beauty.
Oh, I wish there's still a chance
To be...

There is no help for me
For you're raven that tasted my heart;
Come back to me.

30.03.2008. u 12:21 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 26.03.2008.

Dok nas smrt ne rastavi

"Svako interesiranje za bolest i smrt je samo drugi oblik zanimanja za život." Thomas Mann (1875 - 1955)

"Smrt može biti najveći ljudski blagoslov."
Sokrat (469 pr.Kr. - 399 pr.Kr.)

"Cilj svakog života je smrt."
Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)

26.03.2008. u 10:44 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 25.03.2008.

Dijagnoza: Smeće

Krv nije voda, nego vino u ruci onoga koji ga pije. Vrijednost mu se mjeri po čaši i ruci. Ako ga pije plemeniti, tada je hrana, lijek i božanska tvorevina, a ako propalici dane krati, otrov je i alkohol prosti. Najljepše je suditi po znaku, po jednostranim izvanjskim podražajima. Majka vas učila da kopate oči imućnima a ljubite ruke poganima. Od kud vam pravo govoriti kad ne znate? Usta se osušila onima koji govore o nepoznatome. Svijet će preplaviti potpuna tišina, i kap kiše će biti previše za kraj riječi. Riječ je tijelom postala al ne prebiva među nama. Pukih li molitava, vremena provedenih uzalud, čekajući u redu ispred vrata istine, odmah iza Velikog idola. Trava ne raste na suhoj zemlji. Nema kruha našega, duša se ispire i odlazi. Ostaješ, uz stihove Utjehe, krv će teći, stroj puhati sve do jednom, a potom vrijednost stvara Nihil, kosti postaju svadbeno ruho a razum tvoja nedosanjana divota.

25.03.2008. u 11:22 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 20.03.2008.

Execration Text

Among the most sinister objects from the ancient world of Egypt are the figurines in human shape which were used to cast spells on the persons they depicted. Such objects survive to this day usually only when they are buried as a part of a rite, and usually in the vicinity of a tomb or necropolis. Archeologist have found the remains of such rites at the royal cemetaries of Giza, Saqqarra, Lisht, and at several forts in Nubia. Stone, wax, or mud figures, or broken clay tablets or clay pots, are inscribed with lists of the enemies of Egypt. The body of the figure is usually flattened to make room for the text, or sometimes a papyrus is inserted inside the body cavity. On the back, the arms, or the arms and legs, are bound together. The inscriptions found on them are called "execration texts." These texts threaten death to specific people. Often, they include the name, parentage, and title of war. The execration texts were mainly aimed at enemy rulers, hostile nations, and tribes in Nubia, Libya, and Syria-Palestine. Magickal incantations and rites were used to cause death and suffering, and to prevent the angry spirits of the executed from taking vengeance on those who had condemned them. Usually included in these texts are long-standing enemies of those involved in the cursing rites. There is also often a catchball phrase against any man, woman, or eunuch who might be plotting rebellion. Amongst the common people, the execration rituals were carried out after the killing of a personal enemy or the execution of criminals. By killing the enemy's name, which was an integral part of the personality, this rite would extend the punishment into the afterlife. The spirits of defeated enemies or executed traitors were regarded as a continued supernatural threat, which needed to be met with magic. The wording of the texts is similar to that of contemporary spells on papyrus, which promise to protect against the malice of demons and ghosts. Those named in the execration texts are referred to as "mut" - the dangerous dead. It is also the word used to describe the troublesome dead in protective spells for private persons. The stone figures and red clay pots on which the execration texts were written were ritually broken as part of the cursing ceremony in order to smash the enemy's power. A pit near the Egyptian fort of Mirgissa in Nubia contained hundreds of such pot shards, as well as over 350 figures. Deposite of figures have been found outside fortresses, tombs, and funerary temples. The clay figures were burned and then buried with iron spikes driven through them, or nailed to the outer walls, as the bodies of executed traitors and foreign enemies sometimes were. The more eloborate enemy figures were sometimes trussed up like animals about to be sacrificed. Some are shown with their throats cut, the method used to kill sacrificial animals. The dismembered body of a Nubian and a flint sacrificial knife were found near the Mirgissa pit. Some Egyptologists believe that human sacrifices routinely accompanied execration rituals, while others have argued that the figures were normally a substitute for such sacrifices.

Link To Execration Text

20.03.2008. u 08:35 • 5 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 19.03.2008.

Stvar načina

Americay Way

19.03.2008. u 10:27 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

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